Setting Up SimplyPrint on Voron Voron Trident

Learn how to set up SimplyPrint on your Voron Voron Trident 3D printer with our step-by-step guide. Let's get started!

Back to printer details
Voron Voron Trident image
  • 1 Prerequisites
  • 2 Enabling- & finding Mainsail/Fluidd
  • 3 Enable SimplyPrint in Mainsail/Fluidd/Moonraker

What printers is this setup for?

More and more new, modern 3D printers, now use the popular and powerful Klipper firmware.
This also means that many of the new 3D printers that are being released, have powerful and internet-connected control boards, that can be connected to SimplyPrint with minimal effort.

Printers known to work out-of-the-box with this setup:

These printers are easily connected to SimplyPrint, as our software comes pre-installed on the operating system of the printer, and must simply be enabled!

  • Prusa Pro HT90
  • Sovol SVO7 Series
  • Biqu Huraken
  • Kingroon KLP1
  • Kingroon KP3S Pro V2
  • FLSun V400
  • Voron printers
  • RatRig printers
  • Known to ship with outdated Moonraker versions (check next step)
    • Elegoo Neptune 4 Series
    • Qidi Tech X Series
  • & most other printers that ship with Klipper!

Is your printer on the list above?
Great! You can skip the rest of this page, and go to the next step.

Is your printer not on the confirmed list above? Worry not! It is still very likely that your printer will work with SimplyPrint.

Check the list below for more information on what it takes for a printer to work with SimplyPrint.

This setup will work for any Klipper-based 3D printer, where:
  • The printer uses the Mainsail or Fluidd web-based control
  • And, or, use Moonraker
    • Moonraker is the Klipper API that both Mainsail, Fluidd and SimplyPrint utilizes to communicate with the printer.
    • Moonraker should be the official version of Moonraker, and not a so-called "forked" version where the manufacturer may have made changes to the code and removed the SimplyPrint component.
    • The Moonraker version must be no older than v0.8.0, from Feb 11, 2023
    • If you are unsure, you can check the version of Moonraker by going to Machine / Settings -> System / Software updates -> Update Manager / Software Updates in Mainsail or Fluidd.
      Or go to http://myprinter.local:7125 for the local Moonraker interface, which will show the version number.
    • If Mainsail or Fluidd are not installed, Moonraker may still be installed and compatible.

If your printer does not meet the above requirements, and the manufacturer may ship the printer with heavily modified firmware, without Moonraker or Fluidd/Mainsail, it may still be possible to get it working with SimplyPrint.

This may require flashing the printer with a new firmware, and/or installing Moonraker, Mainsail or Fluidd.

This is not something we can help with, if the manufacturer allows for custom firmware to be flashed to the printer, there may exist some out there, that enables the latest version of Moonraker to be installed.