Bulk Actions
When you have multiple printers, it's tedious to have to do the same action on each printer individually, one by one... With SimplyPrint, you can do all the most-used actions action on as many 3D printers at once as you please, with a single click!

Start the same 3D print on multiple 3D printers at once, with a single click! You can also start different 3D prints on different printers.
Pre-heat multiple printers at once
If you have a lot of printers, and you wish to start all of them, perhaps you'd like to pre-heat them all first, or if you're swapping out filament on multiple printers!

More: cooldown, home, clear bed, cancel, pause, resume, restart
All the required actions to manage your 3D printers, available in bulk.
Feeling creative? Send custom GCODE commands to your printers
You can also send custom GCODE commands to your printers, in bulk, and use your personal pre-defined Gcode snippets & macros.