3D Printer Management Software for Skoler

SimplyPrint tager al besværet ud af 3D print; du behøves ikke længere være ekspert; her er det let for alle at komme i gang.

Testemonial Simon Moe image

Simon Moe, Teacher at NEXT Copenhagen
SimplyPrint elevated 3D printing at our school from hobby facility to learning environment

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En komplet løsning til 3D print

SimplyPrint bringer alt man har brug for til 3D print, ind i ét samlet panel; intet skal downloades, alt er i skyen, super nemt at bruge for alle.





Håndtering & opbevaring


Nemt for alle - elever og lærere

Hverken du, eller dine elever, behøves at være eksperter i 3D print for at gå i gang - processen gennem SimplyPrint er nemt for alle, i alle aldre.


Find eller design model

Slice med indbygget slicer

Klik 'Start'


Få besked når printet er færdigt


Alle kan være med - på alle enheder

Det hele er på dansk (findes også på engelsk), intet skal downloades, og SimplyPrint kan benyttes på alle enheder - også Chromebooks.

Platformen gør det nemt for alle at printe, uden at essensen af 3D print forsvinder.


Få mere motiverede elever

SimplyPrint tager alt det kedelige, og alt besværet, ud af 3D print. Vores system er designet til at være intuitivt, og eleven kan hurtigt navigere rundt. Forløb og kurser er designet til ikke at være lange, kedelige forklaringer, side efter side, men små multiple-choice quizzer, med Kahoot, og en hurtig følelse af progression

Få SimplyPrint på din skole

Let our AI watch your prints, so you don't have to

With the SimplyPrint AI Failure Detection feature, print failures such as spaghetti and warping will be detected automatically, and you will be notified. This way, you can avoid wasting time and filament on failed prints.

And don't worry; contrary to other AI-powered solutions, we do not train our AI on your prints, unless you specifically opt in to help us improve our detection algorithms.

Learn more about our AI tools
AI failure detection

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Og det var bare begyndelsen

Designet til brugervenlighed, elegance og en bedre 3D print oplevelse

Få SimplyPrint

Få besked når printet er færdigt, eller hvis det stoppes

Slut med at skulle vente i uvished, og tjekke på printeren hveranden time; eleven får besked når deres print er færdigt.

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SimplyPrint Nu

Print startet på Printer 1

Estimeret print tid er 3d 4t

SimplyPrint Nu

Failure detected on Printer 2!

Want to pause or cancel?

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Klar til en bedre 3D print oplevelse?

Kontakt os

Eller, efterlad os en besked

3D printere

Eller ring til os på
+45 49 40 87 77
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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

By far most 3D printers work with SimplyPrint. The general rule of thumb is; if your printer works with OctoPrint / has a way to plug in a USB cable, it'll work with SimplyPrint.

Check out the compatibility list to see if your printer(s) are on the list of known supported printers. If your printer isn't on the list; fear not, we might just not know about it.
At SimplyPrint, we take the security and handling of our users' information very seriously. The only information we handle on students is their name and school email - all stored in a secure database. We are fully GDPR compliant - you can read more about this here . In addition, we offer, and facilitate, a data processor agreement between us and you.

We are committed to transparency and only collect the information on our users that is necessary for the site to work.
SimplyPrint should be able to be set up everywhere; it must either use a WiFi connection, to a non-enterprise network (eg WPA2, preferably with a password), or just have wired connection.

As long as we are allowed a local machine (eg Raspberry Pi) to send web requests to our domain, simplyprint.io, it will work. The local machines connect to our servers, in exactly the same way as you do when you access Google or other websites - via port 443 (SSL)