Mød et alternativ til BuildBee

Hvordan er SimplyPrint sammenlignet med BuildBee? Hvad er den bedste cloud-platform til 3D-print? Opdag hvorfor SimplyPrint måske er det, som du leder efter!

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Søger du et alternativ til BuildBee?

BuildBee is made to be a simple and easy to use all-in-one 3D printing platform, with ultimate simplicity in mind.

However, things can get too simple and restrictive, to the point where the creative machine that is a 3D printer, is being needlessly limited.

If you're looking for an alternative to BuildBee, here are some reasons why you should consider SimplyPrint.

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der bruger SimplyPrint
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4.6 Trustpilot score

Hvorfor SimplyPrint? Grund #1

More than just '3D print online'

SimplyPrint goes beyond being just another online printing platform. We strive to create a complete ecosystem for managing and enhancing your 3D printing experience.
  • Printer management and control
  • File storage and organization
  • Filament tracking and inventory
  • Integrated slicer for print preparation
  • Remote monitoring and access
  • Multi-user support for print farms, companies, and institutions
Embrace SimplyPrint for a comprehensive solution that caters to all aspects of your 3D printing needs.
Reason 1 image
Reason 2 image

Hvorfor SimplyPrint? Grund #2

Get more out of your printers; Filament Management System & more

SimplyPrint features an innovative filament management system that allows you to keep track of each individual spool of filament.

  • Monitor the amount of filament remaining on each spool digitally
  • Receive warnings before starting a print if there's insufficient filament
  • Maintain a clear overview of your filament stock

By offering these capabilities, SimplyPrint ensures that you stay informed about your filament usage and avoid potential issues before even starting a print.

Hvorfor SimplyPrint? Grund #3

Optimized for Print Farms: Enhancing Efficiency and Management

SimplyPrint is specifically designed to cater to the needs of print farms, offering features that enhance efficiency and simplify management. By using SimplyPrint, print farms can benefit from:

  • Centralized control of multiple printers
  • Remote monitoring and management of print jobs
  • Streamlined tracking of printer usage and filament consumption
  • Customizable access levels for different users
Reason 3 image
Reason 4 image

Hvorfor SimplyPrint? Grund #4

Optimized for Schools: Simplifying Printing for Students and Educators

SimplyPrint is designed with schools in mind, simplifying the printing process for both students and educators. The platform offers:

  • Intuitive interface for easy print initiation
  • Efficient printer management for instructors
  • Streamlined tracking of printer usage
By choosing SimplyPrint, schools can effectively enhance their 3D printing experience and empower students to create with ease.
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BuildBee vs. SimplyPrint

Se en liste-sammenligning mellem BuildBee og SimplyPrint

BuildBee logo SimplyPrint logo
Har gratis plan
Max pris $15/printer/mo $39.99+
Gratis skylagring 5 models 1GB
Brugsbaseret pris
Ubegrænset printing Max 5 slices per month for free
Filament manager
Kender din printer
Cloud filer
Print job historik
Print hvor som helst
Indbygget slicer Yes, but max 5 slices per month for free
Multi-printer venlig
AutoPrint / kontinuerlig print
Slicer smart-rotation
Smart filament udskiftning
Bed level hjælper
A.I fejl-detektering
Flere brugere Education Plan only
Bruger-grupper / ranks
Delte filer & mapper
Delte slicer profiler
Eget domæne
SSO (single sign-on)
Email notifikationer
Push (mobil / app) notifikationer
SMS notifikationer
Android app
iOS app
"PWA" (installerbar web-applikation)
Sikkerhed & privatliv
Konto 2-faktor godkendelse
Privacy-minded analytics & data-gathering
Live-chat support
Email support
Firmware & gateway support
OctoPrint installation
Native Moonraker support
Mainsail installation
Fluidd installation
Klipper support
Duet3D integration
Direkte Prusa-understøttelse (MK4, XL og opefter / nye bundkort) Coming soon (closed beta)
Direkte Bambu Lab printer integration
Mulighed for tilpassede integrationer
Enterprise & partnere
Partnerprogram (forhandler/distributør)
Affiliate program
Sammenlign Se priser Se priser

Kontakt os, hvis du mener, at vi har lavet en fejl i vores sammenligning!

Hvorfor SimplyPrint er et godt alternativ til BuildBee

Vi lavede SimplyPrint på grund af det faktum, at intet andet på markedet helt passede til vores behov. Vi ønskede en platform, der var nem at bruge, men som stadig havde alle de funktioner, vi havde brug for. Vi ønskede en funktionsrig platform, intuitiv og nem at bruge, med en fantastisk brugeroplevelse og faktisk innovation inden for softwareområdet til 3D-printstyring.

Så, som konklusion mener vi - ydmyge og upartiske som vi er 😉 - at SimplyPrint-platformen er et godt alternativ til BuildBee!

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