PSU Control OctoPrint plugin
The PSU Control OctoPrint plugin allows you to control the power supply of your printer via OctoPrint's interface
Indbygget i SimplyPrint - brug nu Lær mereThe PSU Control OctoPrint plugin allows you to control the power supply of your printer via OctoPrint's interface
Indbygget i SimplyPrint - brug nu Lær mere
For OctoPrint-powered instances, installing the PSU Control OctoPrint plugin enables you to control your power supply, smart-plug & more.
The PSU Control OctoPrint plugin supports control of a variety of power supplies, smart-plugs and other devices, such as using the GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi,
TPLink, Tasmota, Tenda Beli, Wemo, HomeAssistant, Shelly, MQTT, Meross, Tapo, FRITZ!Box, Jeedom, ESPurna & more - read more here; https://plugins.octoprint.org/by_tag/#tag-psucontrol-subplugin.
The SimplyPrint plugin for OctoPrint automatically uses the PSU Control plugin to turn the PSU on/off if we detect that it's installed.
PSU support must be enabled in the printer settings for for the PSU on/off switch to show up in the printer control panel.
PSU Control is a third-party plugin not developed by or affiliated with SimplyPrint.
Note for Klipper users: when using Klipper, this feature is buit-in and does not require a plugin.
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