Opsætning af SimplyPrint på Bambu Lab X1E

Lær, hvordan du opsætter SimplyPrint på din Bambu Lab X1E 3D-printer med vores trin-for-trin guide. Lad os komme i gang!

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Setting up the Bambu Lab integration Beta

The SimplyPrint Bambu Lab integration beta connects to your printers - one, or multiple - from an external device.

The setup requires you to download the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client.
This client will connect wirelessly via your local network to your Bambu Lab printer(s).

Addressing the Bambu Lab "security firmware Authorization Control System" update: can still use SimplyPrint in the future?

Yes. You'll still be able to use SimplyPrint in the future. We're working with the Bambu Lab team to ensure that SimplyPrint will continue to work with Bambu Lab printers, even after the security firmware update. More on this later, but for now; no need to panic!
Learn more here
Before you start:
  • Remember, this is a beta! Some small issues may occur, although we have had hundreds of testers testing it for months already, including big farms using it daily in production.
    • What doesn't currently work / isn't implemented?
      • For LAN-mode printers using the Windows client: some users experience some performance-related issues while streaming the webcam
      • You can't turn on/off the printer's light from SimplyPrint yet (not a feature we offer yet)
      • No HMS error/notification display inside SimplyPrint yet (though if a print stops due to an HMS error, it'll show as the cancel reason)
      • The current SimplyPrint slicer does not support Bambu Lab printers.
        A new slicer, using the OrcaSlicer engine, is in the works. Any third-party slicer can be used, and we have a direct "send to SimplyPrint" integration for OrcaSlicer.
    • What currently works:
      • Everything that isn't on the "what doesn't work" list! This includes full AMS support & mapping, using AutoPrint, and more.
  • Got questions? Check out the FAQ at the bottom of this page!
  • The device you use for the Bambu Lab integration must always be turned on
  • The integrations connects wirelessly to your printers. No need for cables!
  • For printers in LAN-mode, the device you use for the Bambu Lab integration must be connected to the same network as your printers

Support, feedback & updates: join our Discord server

During the beta, all support and feedback will be handled through our Discord server.

Set up SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client on:

The device that will run the Bambu Lab integration software, turned on 24/7 - not necessarily your current device.
Choose the device you'll run the Bambu Lab integration on - NOT the device you're currently using - by clicking below.
Need help choosing? Check out our "Supported & recommended hardware" guide

Pssst! Click one of the icons / buttons above to see the setup!

Questions? FAQ:

The SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client software is a small application, made by us, that connects to your printers, and connects them through the Client to the SimplyPrint servers.

For printers in Cloud mode, the client can run anywhere, remotely, and doesn't need to be on the same network. But, for printers in LAN-mode, the client needs to run on the same network as your printers, meaning your Bambu Lab printers must be connected to your local network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

All Bambu Lab printers (as of January 29th, 2025) are supported by the SimplyPrint platform. Check out our compatibility list for more info; https://simplyprint.io/compatibility.

However, the device that runs the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client must be connected to the internet to connect to the SimplyPrint servers, as SimplyPrint is a cloud platform.

As this is a beta, we need to be clear that there may be some issues, and that you'll be using it at your own risk.

But, we have had hundreds of testers using it for months, including big farms using it daily in production.

We recommend having a dedicated device running the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client software.

The client, especially when streaming video, can be resource-intensive, and if the device is running other software, it may put a strain on the device, resulting in connectivity issues or other problems.

No. Your prints still, like before, print locally on the printer. The print file is sent to the printer, and the printer will continue printing no matter the state of the SimplyPrint servers or the Client.

This means the device hosting the client can be restarted, or the internet can go down, and your print will continue.

Your Bambu Lab printer can run in Cloud or LAN mode. In the Cloud mode, your printer is connected to the internet, and the Bambu Lab official cloud. This will let you access the printer via the Bambu Handy app anywhere in the world. While LAN mode will cut your printer off from the internet, and only allow local network access. SimplyPrint supports both cases, but each mode has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Cloud mode:

  • Benefits:
    • Faster downloads:
      In cloud mode your printer will be able to download files directly via the internet, which is significantly faster compared to the speed of LAN mode downloads.
    • Bambu Handy app access:
      You can keep using the Bambu Handy app to access your printer. But, most will probably find that you won't need the app anymore when using SimplyPrint.
  • Drawbacks:
    • No webcam stream over different networks (in SimplyPrint):
      The webcam stream will not work in SimplyPrint when the printer is in Cloud mode and on a different network than the client, click here to learn more.
    • Cloud connection:
      When your printer is in cloud mode, it's connected to the Bambu Lab servers - often located in China. This may not be a problem for most, but some may prefer to keep their data within the European Union.
      Note that SimplyPrint too is a cloud service, but we're based in the EU.
    • No support for raw .gcode files:
      Not a problem for most, but worth noting that Bambu Lab printers in Cloud mode cannot receive raw .gcode files. It must be a .3mf file.

LAN mode:

  • Benefits:
    • Webcam stream (in SimplyPrint):
      In LAN mode, the webcam stream will work in SimplyPrint.
    • Support for raw .gcode files:
      Not a big deal for most, but it's worth noting that Bambu Lab printers in LAN mode can receive raw .gcode files - which printers in Cloud mode cannot.
    • Just one third party cloud:
      When your printer is in LAN mode, it's only connected to the SimplyPrint servers, which are located in the EU. Your printer won't be sending data to the Bambu Lab servers - which may be something you prefer, or your company, school or organization require.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Slower downloads:
      The printer will download print files significantly slower, as we have to first download it to your host device via the Client - though this is often fast - and then send the file to the printer fia an "FTP" protocol, which is quite slow.
    • No Bambu Handy:
      you won't be able to access your printer via the Bambu Handy app (has nothing to do with SimplyPrint or our Client, but it's worth noting)

No, your Bambu Lab printers do not need to be connected to the internet, however they must be connected to a local network. Usually, your network would be connected to the internet, but it's not a requirement.

However, the device that runs the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client must be connected to the internet to connect to the SimplyPrint servers, as SimplyPrint is a cloud platform.

This means you can keep the printers off the internet, and only have the device running the SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client connected to the internet. You may want to do this for security reasons, or because you have a closed network.