Hey fellow 3D printing enthusiasts - it's time for another SimplyPrint update!
Pst! We're looking for a C++ or Rust developer for a small freelance job. Message @AlbertMN in our Discord server if you're interested!
Table of Contents
✨ OrcaSlicer integration
It's now possible to send your sliced files directly from OrcaSlicer to SimplyPrint! This feature was requested by multiple community members via our suggestion box (#103) - thanks for helping shape & test this integration!
You can learn about the new OrcaSlicer integration, and how to set it up, here; https://simplyprint.io/integrations/orcaslicer.

✨ File system & print queue update
About 2 weeks ago, we released an update to the file system. This update has brought some much-needed improved stability to the file system framework for us devs, and an improved experience for you as a user!
We fixed things like the "grid view" had files jumpin' around when a file was selected, but most importantly, we added the ability to add multiple items to the print queue with 1 click! As requested via our suggestion box; https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/97.
In the print queue, it's now also possible to add multiple items to the queue at once, and apply tags & select amount before adding the items to the queue!
You can find a full list of changes and improvements to the file system and queue, can be found in the changelog in the bottom of the blog post.
Print queue groups & printer model selection
In the print queue, it's not possible to select specific printers, printer groups, and / or printer models, for the entire print queue group.
This means all items in the given group will "inherit" this selection, and only be printable on selected printers/groups/models.

With this change, it's now also possible to select printer models when selecting which printers a queue item or queue group is for!
This means you could easily create a "Bambu Lab" group, and select your Bambu Lab printers, and an "Others" group for non-Bambu Lab printers.

✨ New feature: Multi-AutoPrint-cycle-clear
It's now possible to clear all your printer's AutoPrint cycles at once, via the new "Clear cycles" button!

So for those of you with many AutoPrint'ing printers; you no longer have to go to every single printer and clear them one by one.
Thanks to community member Eduard for the suggestion (#106)!
Full changelog
- ✨ Multi-queuing:
- It's now possible to queue multiple files at the same time. Either via the "Your files" tab, by selecting multiple files, or via the "Print queue" tab (https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/97).
- This brings up a reworked popup, allowing you to define how many of each item you wish to queue and assigning tags!
- This reworked popup now also shows when adding items by dragging & dropping or otherwise adding files via the "Print queue" page. If you're not a fan of this change, because you may always just print each file once and never want to assign tags during the adding-flow, you can disable this via the Settings > General > Print queue > "Show dialogue on print queue add" setting.
- 📁 File system update:
- Added support for "Command" (or Cmd, ⌘) button on Mac, to select multiple files (like holding "CTRL" always has)
- Improved file system grid view on select of file(s)/folder(s), to make elements not change places and move around
- Improved UI for items being selected, and improved responsiveness on mobile
- Added "Creation date" sorting & info for list view
- 🐛 fixed sorting in list-view-mode not always saving for next time
- 🐛 fixed bug resulting in URLs for specific folders, not working if the folder had multiple words / spaces in the folder name
- In the file selector, which pops up when you click "Start print", "Add to queue", "Import file to slicer", it's now possible to set tags for files, and changing the tags or active printer material updates the Gcode Analysis and cost estimation in real-time
- Files that are technically unselectable in the current context (e.g. printable-/Gcode-files when importing to the slicer), are now slightly faded
- Drag & drop improvements:
- Greatly improved the drag & dropping of new files from your device, as well as moving files and folders in the SimplyPrint file system by drag & drop
- Both UI, which is now much more clear & less buggy, as well as performance and UX
- For the site-wide drag n' drop of files support, SimplyPrint can now handle dropping multiple files from your PC, onto anywhere in SimplyPrint
- Greatly improved the drag & dropping of new files from your device, as well as moving files and folders in the SimplyPrint file system by drag & drop
- ✨ Multi-AutoPrint-cycle-clear: https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/106
- ✨ Printer selection for print queue groups: https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/175
- ✨ Printer model selection for print queue items & groups: https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/174
- Printer images now show in the "Compact" and "List" view modes on the "Printers" page
- This should make it easier to select the right printers at a glance, in printer selection, as here we use the "Compact" view. Learn more here; https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/176
- ✨ Bulk-tagging is on its way! It's live, as a little preview, for "Your files" now (https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/108)
- This will work for files, printers and queue items, but as mentioned, is only live for files at the moment
- Bulk-tagging for printers and queue items is coming very soon!
- Right now, bulk-tagging for files is in public preview, meaning everyone can use it for the time being - but this feature will be locked behind the Print Farm plan on its full release
- 🐛 Fixed "Fetch cost" for print queue items not updating on change of material tag (required a reload)
- 🐛 Fixed bug where auto-applied tags overwrote user-specified tags, & added Gcode Analysis to "Add to queue" to visualize auto-tagging (https://discord.com/channels/699248047640805463/1221537755192889466 - thanks for the report!)
- 🐛 Fixed list view top right item placement issue (settings cog)
- ✨ Added setup guides for Creality K1/K1 MAX and "Out-of-the-box Klipper-powered printers" like Neptune 4 series; https://simplyprint.io/setup-guide
- + general setup guide improvements, such as;
- Updated description of Raspberry Pi flashing process to match the new Rasbperry Pi Imager flashing-flow (after they changed the UI)
- You can now search for the printer you wish to set up inside the setup guide, to be shown the instructions specifically for the given printer. Since we have quite a few different setups now, we figured especially 3D printing newcomers may find it difficult knowing which setup is for their printer
- + general setup guide improvements, such as;
- ✨ Added Gcode Analysis support for Creality Slicer
- ✨ Added extended Gcode Analysis support for OrcaSlicer to gather more information, such as layer height, material data, version number & more (like what was rolled out in the last big update for PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio etc.)
Coming soon
- Bambu Lab public beta
- A couple of days ago, we sent out the "Bambu Lab beta starting soon" email out to everyone who signed up for the beta
- In the past 2 weeks, we have released 8 new versions of the Bambu Beta to our closed beta testers
- Later today or tomorrow, we plan on sending out invites to round 1
- Bulk-tagging for printers & queue items
- New table system: we're working on an updated table design (for the print queue, users page - all table views)