Hello hello, SimplyPrinters! Hope you've all had a great holiday and new year! In this first (big) update of 2025, we bring you 8 user-suggested features implemented, and 4 more!
We call this update the "January 'Quality of Life'" update, as we're not introducing "record-breaking, peak-innovative features that'll change 3D printing forever!", yet, some of these changes and additions may change how you use SimplyPrint, and save you clicks and minutes - perhaps hours - every week.
Quick overview;
- New features:
- Reprint
- Display current layer
- Move jobs between queues
- Printers search & filtering, + clickable Print Farm Overview cards
- AutoPrint SwapMod template integration
- "Go to print job" + Print job view page rework and redesign
- Queue item timestamps (added time)
- Table multi-select by holding shift
- Transfer account ownership
- Print job archiving
- New setting: attribute print job to file owner
- Custom fields: added "Show value on printer" option
- We fixed 13 bugs
- Added 5 smaller changes, improvements & "features"
You'll find more info on all these items below. Enjoy!
12 new features!
In this update, we give you no less than 12 new features. Some big, some small - all meant to improve your SimplyPrint experience by making our existing core features easier or faster to use.
✨ 1. Reprint
The "Print again" / "Reprint" feature has been a heavily suggested feature for a while. But, the wait is over! In the Clear Bed popup, via the Print History and on the Job View page, you'll be able to reprint your old prints! You can learn more about this feature here.

✨ 2. Display current layer
A feature many have wanted for a while, is finally live; we'll now show the current layer during printing! Learn more about this feature here.

✨ 3. Printers search & filtering, + clickable Print Farm Overview cards
Learn more about this feature, as well as which filters are available, here. Note that the search term and filters are added to the URL, meaning you can bookmark and save certain printer views; e.g. one bookmark to view all printers that have yet to have their bed cleared! As with the other features in this update, this one was a (at least partly) community-suggestion.

✨ 4. AutoPrint SwapMod template integration (+ swapmod discount!)
The swapmod bed-switching method went viral in the Bambu communities not too long ago, and with good reason; the swapmod is an awesome mod for Bambu Lab A1 Mini printers to allow them to automatically switch build plates, allowing for continuous printing. Now integrated as an official auto-clear method for the SimplyPrint AutoPrint feature.
Thanks to Andre from the swapmod team for providing us with a kit to test it out in our offices. The swapmod is in preorder now. Check it out here and use code "simplyprint-rocks" for 10% off! (limited coupon - also, not sponsored, we're just a fan of the product, and Andre was kind enough to provide our users with a discount!)

✨ 5. Move jobs between queues
It's now possible to move queue items between queue groups! Thanks to community user "Jludwig2299" for the suggestion, and those who upvoted it.

✨ 6. "Go to print job" + Print job view page rework and redesign
When a print is ongoing, there's now a "Go to job" button on the control panel of the printer. This will take you to the job page, which was previously - in our opinion - too separated from the printer. The only way to get to it, was to go to the "Print history" page and click on the job in the table, or when you got a print notification, it would link to the job page. But, there also wasn't a way to get from the job page to the printer.
Job page changelog;
- Added "Go to job page" button on printer
- Added "Job timeline & data" to printer, which shows a simplified, compact view of the job page contents, without having to leave the printer page
- Complete redesign of the print job page;
- Utilizes space better
- Added "Go to printer" button
- Added more info to the "Print info" section
- Redesigned the timeline, and made it more responsive (mobile & tablet-friendly)
- Added more timeline items; Bed Cleared and Archived - with more options to come later
- Added "Download", "Print again" and "Archive/Unarchive" buttons

✨ 7. New setting: attribute print job to file owner (great for schools)
2 new settings have been added to the Settings > General page;
- "Attribute jobs to file owner"
- When this is enabled, SimplyPrint will attribute started print jobs not to the person who started the print, but rather to the person who owns the file.
- The file owner is the user who uploaded the file to the print queue or their "Your files" system
- The person who starts the file will be shown as the person who started it, but the main "owner" of the print job will be the person whose file was printed, meaning they will get notifications by default and it will count towards their printer usage and statistics.
- "AutoPrint jobs attributed to file owner"
- Similar to the "Attribute jobs to file owner" setting, this will attribute jobs that have automatically been started by AutoPrint, to the person who owns the file.
✨ 8. Custom fields: added "Show value on printer" option
Custom fields that apply to print jobs can now be shown on the printer while printing. It'll show on the Grid view, List view and in the control panel of the given printer, while the job is printing. A good example use case of this would be an "Order number" field, like in the images below.

+ 4 more!
- ✨ 9. Queue item timestamps (added time):
- The print queue table now includes an "Added" column, that shows when the given item was added to the queue.
- Suggested by community user "Jdldhd": https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/193
- ✨ 10. Table multi-select by holding shift:
- All tables with selectable rows - such as the print queue table - now support multi-selecting without selecting everything using the bulk selection checkbox. Hold SHIFT on your keyboard to select everything between your last selection, and new selection. If nothing is selected yet, it selects from the top item to wherever you have selected
- Suggested by community user Laramie Huggins: https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/306
- ✨ 11. Print job archiving
- Allows you to archive print jobs, excluding them from statistics and the regular print job history overview. Makes it easy to single- or mass-archive test prints, or prints you otherwise just don't want in your print history for any reason.
- Suggested by community user "Mnoffsin": https://suggestions.simplyprint.io/223
- ✨ 12. Transfer account ownership
- For the Print Farm and School plan, if you have multiple users, it's now possible to transfer the account ownership to another user. This can be done by the current owner, and requires 2-factor or password confirmation.
- Statistics page updates; (not really a "new feature", but deserved to be highlighted!)
- The Statistics page have also received a few updates;
- The page now loads up to 10 times faster for some users! Some users with a lot of prints had amassed a print job count so high, that the statistics sometimes failed to load. That has now been fixed.
- The "Prints per printer" graph is now a stacked bar graph, as to save space and only provide 1 column per printer
- The "Cancel reasons" bar graph now only show used cancel reasons; no need to display ones with 0 uses!
- Changed CSV export "Jobs per day" type, as it previously exported jobs - which was redundant, seeing as the Print History can do that - it has now been replaced with the statistics per day; total prints, success, failures and filament usage (gram)
Full changelog
- Smaller features & changes:
- Added queue item info on the print history table in the filename column, showing "[number] / [total]"
- Updated printer grid view mode:
- Printer images are now a little smaller, making the entire view just a bit more compact
- Print file names previously only had 50% width; now has 90%, allowing for showing longer file names
- Added filament brand and short-4-character-ID to the "Active materials" list for printers in the control panel (assigned spools only - not static material data)
- Added queue item data to print history CSV export
- Added "Started by" information on print history table, for the new "Attribute job to file owner" setting
- Added "Forgot password" button in Hub temp. login poup
- Setup guide implement "Klipper disclaimer" & "OctoPrint disclaimer", for (example) "Adventurer 5M" to allow certain printers to use the regular setup guides, but have a simple info alert disclaimer
- Statistics page update:
- Drastically improved load times - especially for accounts with a lot of prints. Loads up to 10 times faster for most users.
- "Printer activity per day" chart, showing farm printer uptime data gathering changed. Previously, if a print was ongoing for more than 24 hours, its run time on the second day of running didn't count toward printer uptime. This has been fixed, but the chart now only shows data from the 26th of January, 2025; no prior data will be shown. If this old, somewhat inaccurate data is missed by some users, let us know and we'll bring the old format back for older data period selections - although at the cost of the performance and load times of the statistics page when selecting those periods.
- After finishing your first print, data will show in the new chart
- 🐛 Bug-fixes:
- Fixed Smart Filament Changer for Klipper during prints, where the "M18 E" Gcode command disabled all motors - not just the extruder -, meaning if it was done during a print, the print would be lost as Klipper would require the axis to be homed
- Fixed printer model update for printer settings not setting default MMS extruder count properly
- Fixed/handle "File drag overlay, import temp. file" (from slicer) problem where if file didn't belong to user, it didn't show an error but created a Gcode file with the error contents inside
- User files from API that were not Gcodes could not be uploaded due to no Gcode Analysis present
- Fixed bug where custom fields could be submitted even with errors, as long as all required fields were filled (didn't prevent submit)
- Fixed single item "Add item to queue, select printer or model" not working (https://discord.com/channels/699248047640805463/1044292353235636265/1298135210042458182)
- Fixed custom field table sorting issue, where empty custom field values resulted in no values being sortable
- UI bug fix: "+" on printer overview streaming in dark mode (dark on dark)
- UI bug fix: price calculator on mobile, unresponsive plan selector
- Webhook creation: show error in Toast if create/save fails, + auto-convert spaces to "%20" and re-check before calling URL invalid
- Fixed "No role in Unilogin" bug, where if the user had no "role", they weren't allowed in
- Fixed hub temp login in certain cases being broken for some users
- Fixed an expensive (for us) bug that allowed users who were no longer on a paid plan to still have SMS as their active notification method
- Fixed AutoPrint bug sometimes resulting in the same printers starting the same item, without "+1" on the queue item being called properly, if the printers finished at exactly the same time
- ✨ Features (all mentioned in greater detail above ^)
- Reprint
- Display current layer
- Move jobs between queues
- Printers search & filtering, + clickable Print Farm Overview cards
- AutoPrint SwapMod template integration
- "Go to print job" + Print job view page rework and redesign
- Queue item timestamps (added time)
- Table multi-select by holding shift
- Transfer account ownership
- Print job archiving
- New setting: attribute print job to file owner
- Custom fields: added "Show value on printer" option